Infant Prayer Service

Calvary Cemetery 1600 Newburg Road, Louisville, KY, United States

Each month, the Catholic Cemeteries holds a brief prayer service to remember those infants who passed prior to birth, were stillborn, or who lived any length of time. Those who have lost an infant are invited to attend the service and pray with us for their baby and the others on the last Wednesday of

Infant Prayer Service

Calvary Cemetery 1600 Newburg Road, Louisville, KY, United States

Each month, the Catholic Cemeteries holds a brief prayer service to remember those infants who passed prior to birth, were stillborn, or who lived any length of time. Those who have lost an infant are invited to attend the service and pray with us for their baby and the others on the last Wednesday of

Infant Prayer Service

Calvary Cemetery 1600 Newburg Road, Louisville, KY, United States

Each month, the Catholic Cemeteries holds a brief prayer service to remember those infants who passed prior to birth, were stillborn, or who lived any length of time. Those who have lost an infant are invited to attend the service and pray with us for their baby and the others on the last Wednesday of

Infant Prayer Service

Calvary Cemetery 1600 Newburg Road, Louisville, KY, United States

Each month, the Catholic Cemeteries holds a brief prayer service to remember those infants who passed prior to birth, were stillborn, or who lived any length of time. Those who have lost an infant are invited to attend the service and pray with us for their baby and the others on the last Wednesday of

Infant Prayer Service

Calvary Cemetery 1600 Newburg Road, Louisville, KY, United States

Each month, the Catholic Cemeteries holds a brief prayer service to remember those infants who passed prior to birth, were stillborn, or who lived any length of time. Those who have lost an infant are invited to attend the service and pray with us for their baby and the others on the last Wednesday of

Infant Prayer Service

Calvary Cemetery 1600 Newburg Road, Louisville, KY, United States

Each month, the Catholic Cemeteries holds a brief prayer service to remember those infants who passed prior to birth, were stillborn, or who lived any length of time. Those who have lost an infant are invited to attend the service and pray with us for their baby and the others on the last Wednesday of

Infant Prayer Service

Calvary Cemetery 1600 Newburg Road, Louisville, KY, United States

Each month, the Catholic Cemeteries holds a brief prayer service to remember those infants who passed prior to birth, were stillborn, or who lived any length of time. Those who have lost an infant are invited to attend the service and pray with us for their baby and the others on the last Wednesday of

All Souls’ Day Mass

Join Catholic Cemeteries of Louisville and Most Reverend Archbishop Shelton J. Fabre in celebrating All Souls’ Day Mass at 11:00 AM on November 2nd in Calvary Cemetery. The service will take place outdoors, under a tent with seating provided. Upon arrival at the front gate, please follow the guidance of our crew who will be

Lighting of the Tree of Remembrance

Calvary Cemetery 1600 Newburg Road, Louisville, KY, United States

Join us on Friday, December 6th at 6:30 PM for Archbishop Shelton J. Fabre’s blessing and the lighting of the Tree of Remembrance, located by the Newburg Road entrance at Calvary Cemetery. Hot drinks and pastries will be available, as well as complimentary personalized glass ornaments. Participants are encouraged to hang ornaments —either one brought

Infant Prayer Service

Calvary Cemetery 1600 Newburg Road, Louisville, KY, United States

Each month, the Catholic Cemeteries holds a brief prayer service to remember those infants who passed prior to birth, were stillborn, or who lived any length of time. Those who have lost an infant are invited to attend the service and pray with us for their baby and the others on the last Wednesday of