Infant Prayer Service
February 26, 2020 @ 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
Each month, the Catholic Cemeteries holds a brief prayer service to remember those infants who were stillborn or who lived any length of time. Families, friends or others who have lost an infant are invited to attend the service and pray with us for their baby and the others on the last Wednesday of each month at 1:30 p.m. The service is held in Calvary Cemetery in the “Holy Innocents Section” (section 20). The names of all of the infants buried during the month in any of the archdiocesan Catholic cemeteries will be mentioned during the service. Any other name, whether the infant was buried in a prior month, or in another cemetery, can also be mentioned at the request of the families or friends. Holy water is sprinkled on the graves of those babies buried that month in the Holy Innocents Section. For further details on this service please call the Cemeteries office at (502) 451-7710. Severe weather will cancel.